
February 15, 2024

Former Governor Opposes Alabama's New Lottery Proposal

Clara Williams
Written byClara WilliamsWriter
Researched byAishwarya NairResearcher

Former Governor Don Siegelman recently spoke exclusively to WVUA 23 about the new lottery proposal in Alabama. He expressed his concerns and stated that he would not support the proposal unless significant changes are made to the bill.

Former Governor Opposes Alabama's New Lottery Proposal

The Proposed Gaming Bill

The proposed gaming bill aims to authorize up to 10 casino sites with table games and slot machines, establish a state lottery, and allow sports betting both in-person and through online platforms.

Siegelman's Previous Lottery Bill

In 1999, former Governor Siegelman introduced a lottery bill that was placed on a referendum ballot but ultimately failed. He believes that his bill gained support because it focused on benefiting public education in the state. However, he argues that the current gaming bill does not prioritize education.

Opposition to Casinos

Governor Siegelman's opposition to the bill extends beyond the lottery. He insists that if casinos are included, every license should be publicly bid to ensure transparency and prevent favoritism. He raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the breach of fiduciary duty to taxpayers.

Lack of Focus on Education

Siegelman emphasizes that the proposed bill does not prioritize education. He believes that the inclusion of casinos is a giveaway to unknown entities, and billions of dollars are being left on the table due to the lack of public bidding for casino licenses.

Concerns about Oversight

Governor Siegelman also expresses concerns about the gaming commission that would oversee the operation. He worries that the commission may be composed of political appointees rather than qualified business professionals who would make decisions in the best interest of taxpayers.

Alabama's Lottery History

Alabama is one of the five states that currently does not have a lottery. If the legislature approves the proposal, it would be the second lottery referendum in the state's history.

In conclusion, former Governor Don Siegelman opposes the new lottery proposal unless significant changes are made to prioritize education, ensure transparency in casino licensing, and establish a qualified gaming commission. He urges the legislature to consider these concerns before making a decision.

About the author
Clara Williams
Clara Williams

Clara "LottoLore" Williams, a Kiwi with a zest for numbers and narratives, dives deep into the thrilling world of lotteries. As a leading writer for LottoRank, her pieces resonate with enthusiasts, offering a harmonious blend of data, history, and human interest.

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